There are several ways to save money on a big investment like replacing your roof, and a little time and dedication can help you find them. Exploring your payment options, seeing what individual tasks can be done yourself, and having a second layer of material installed in a pinch can save you a noticeable amount of money.

Explore Financing and Assistance

Because replacing your roof is so important, taking some time to plan out how to pay for it can help you save before you even have an estimate.

First, explore everything from personal loans to home equity loans. The difference between secured and unsecured loans can sometimes make all the difference, and with the variety of loans and lines of credit available, it helps to explore and see what you qualify for.

Second, look for federal loans and grants, such as those offered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These departments offer loans and grants for various and sometimes specific situations, such as for veterans or for homeowners living in rural areas, so take some time to see if you might qualify.

Third, ask about financing through your contractor if they offer it, then compare it to your other options. Keep an eye out for special offers and low interest rates. If you have the option to wait, buying during periods of low demand can also give you some extra savings.

Do Some Things Yourself

The total cost of your roof installation will be comprised of several different parts of the process, such as preparation, removal, installation, inspection, and disposal. After you get an estimate, see what you're capable of doing yourself that may cut down on costs.

For example, removing the first layer of roofing material can be tedious, but not necessarily difficult. If you try this yourself, while taking all possible safety precautions, you could take several hours of labor off your total cost.

You can also save money by disposing of your old roofing material yourself. This may require a container and vehicle, and some materials may need to be disposed of or recycled in different ways, but it will be one less thing your contractor needs to do themselves.

If you do plan to take on some tasks yourself, talk to your roofing contractor first so that any changes to estimates or contracts can be discussed beforehand.
