Newer flat roofs are designed to be long-lasting and durable, even withstanding extreme weather conditions like heavy rain and snow. However, one issue that can cause problems for flat roofs over time is ponding. This refers to water pooling on the roof's surface due to inadequate drainage or a low slope area. Fortunately, there are several ways that your local roofing contractors can address this issue. Read along to learn more.

Improve Drainage and Re-Sloping

A good way to address flat roof ponding is to extend the drainage points and re-slope the area of the roof to allow proper water drainage. This method involves elongating existing scuppers, gutters, and downspouts to increase drainage from the flat roof.

Your contractor can also install additional drains or downspouts as well as strategically slope certain parts of the roof so that any pooling water is directed away from the building's structure. Additionally, the roofing contractor can re-slope the entire flat roof area slightly so that water is able to run off more easily.

Install a Cover Board or Insulation Board

Even though ponding normally occurs due to drainage or slope issues, it can also be caused by a bowing of the roof due to sagging insulation. This is why your contractor may suggest installing a cover board or an insulation board above the existing insulation layer. This will provide extra structural support and prevent any additional sagging from occurring.

Suppose ponding occurs in low areas of the roof due to poor design. In that case, a professional roofer can install an extra layer of protective cover board or insulation board over these problematic areas. These boards will help protect against further damage caused by heavy rainfall and ponding water.

Replace Damaged Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters play a key role in any roofing system and prevent ponding. Therefore, if your gutters and downspouts are clogged up or damaged, this can cause water to pool on the roof. Thankfully, your commercial roofing contractor will routinely inspect the current gutters and downspouts to determine if any repairs are necessary. If a repair is impossible, they may suggest installing new gutters that will better suit your flat roof's needs.

Construct an Overflow System

Suppose it is not possible to extend existing gutters or install internal drainage systems. In that case, a roofer may suggest constructing an overflow system for your flat roof using a combination of drainage channels and flashing. This will help ensure that any excess water is safely discharged away from the building.

These are just a few ways your commercial roofing contractors can address flat roof ponding issues. Suppose you're experiencing ponding on your flat roof. In that case, it's important to contact an experienced professional who can assess the cause of the issue and suggest appropriate solutions for your particular situation. 

For more information, contact a local company, like Kerry Roofing LLC.
