Foam roofing is a popular choice for many homeowners and businesses because it offers excellent insulation, durability, and energy efficiency. However, like any other roofing material, foam roofing can also suffer from damage and wear over time. If you notice any of the following signs, it may be time to call a professional roofer to inspect and repair your foam roof. 

Cracks or Blisters

Foam roofing is made of polyurethane foam that expands and contracts with temperature changes. This can cause cracks or blisters to form on the surface of the roof, exposing the underlying foam to water and UV rays. Cracks or blisters can also indicate that the foam was not properly applied or cured, resulting in poor adhesion and uneven thickness. If left untreated, cracks or blisters can lead to leaks, mold growth, and structural damage.

Ponding Water

Foam roofing is designed to create a seamless and waterproof barrier over your roof. However, if the roof is not properly sloped or drained, water can accumulate on the roof and create puddles or ponds.

Ponding water can cause the foam to deteriorate and lose its insulative and reflective properties. It can also attract insects, algae, and bacteria that can damage the roof and pose health risks. Ponding water should be removed as soon as possible, and the roof should be checked for any drainage issues.

Discoloration or Fading

Foam roofing is usually coated with a protective layer of acrylic or silicone that gives it its color and UV resistance. Over time, this coating can fade or discolor due to exposure to sunlight, weather, pollution, and dirt.

Discoloration or fading can reduce the aesthetic appeal of your roof and affect its performance. A faded or discolored roof may not reflect heat as well as a fresh one, resulting in higher energy bills. It may also indicate that the coating is wearing off and the foam is vulnerable to damage.

Sagging or Buckling

Foam roofing is lightweight and flexible, but it still needs a solid and stable substrate to support it. If the substrate is damaged by water, termites, rot, or other factors, it can cause the foam roof to sag or buckle.

Sagging or buckling can compromise the integrity of your roof and create gaps or openings that can allow water and air to enter. It can also create safety hazards for anyone walking on the roof. Sagging or buckling should be addressed immediately by repairing or replacing the damaged substrate.

If you are concerned about the state of your foam roof, contact a roof repair service in your area. 
